Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Fort Collins Fly Fishing Lessons: Mind-Body Mechanics

What I am about to share, especially within the fly fishing community, will get me in serious trouble.  No doubt, I will and have been scorned for speaking out against traditional fly casting instruction/classes or other.  Ready?

Forget Tight Loops and Distance

Don't be fooled, you cannot achieve tight loops and distance, without a 'mastery' of your mind and body.

Before tight loops and distance, there's tons of mind-body work to be done.  My casting classes are designed to: 

1.) Help you mentally understand/develop and maximize your fishing brain
2.) How to correctly/consistently use your body in the safest-correct 'movements' possible, to achieve, and master accuracy first 
3.) I will teach you how to self-teach -- easily progressing and correcting.

Come prepared to experience a whole new way of  fly casting instruction

Don't take my word, read client testimonial.

I just spent 3+ hours with Mark, working on my casting mechanics. Mark is a professional FFI Certified Fly Casting Instructor.  This guy knows his stuff and is able to articulate and demonstrate the intricacies of fly casting. Seeing myself on video really drives home the points he teaches. Mark's company FCFF also arranges fly fishing trips to Patagonia, Argentina.  A small group of us is going in December, 2017.  I would highly recommend Mark's services.  Plus, he's a nice guy. 

Bradford Geer.