Friday, March 13, 2015

Fly Fishing Patagonia Argentina: Heading Home?

Spencer Huffman just finished an eight day program with his dad and friend.  You can read about their fishing exploits at

Spencer's dad and his friend left on March 10th, but Spencer decided to spend a few extra days with us.  Two reasons why he stayed.  One, he is traveling independently and he has till March 16th to catch his return flight to the USA.  Second, we just bought a cataraft for our business; I told Spencer that we will be taking a few test floats (1/2 day excursions) and that he was welcome to join us.  It was not free, but Spencer received a healthy discount.  They say timing is everything and for this your 23 year old, he timed it perfectly.  

Spencer was Mr. Rainbow today, landing the most and biggest of the day.  I was Mr. Brown Trout landing dozens, but small ones.  Spencer even enjoyed watching me fall off the cataraft into the water.  I am glad it was 85 degrees today... the water felt great and good laughs were had.
The second day, Spencer was Mr. Brown Trout.  He finished the day, with this BPB = Big Patgonia Brown.  There's no better feeling in the world than to end a day with a fish like this! 
Our new cataraft is extremely spacious and comfortable.  We can easily attach a motor to the rear and take clients to local Andean lakes.   

Final Word

At twenty three years old, Spencer has a tremendous amount of raw fly casting skill.  While watching him cast, at times, I saw perfect symmetry and rhythm.  Other times, I saw a young kid wanting to cast the tightest loops and the longest line; the result were pretty ugly.

I hope Spencer reads this post and challenges himself to learn the science and art of fly casting... it would be shame to see so much talent not mature.  If he is reading this post, buy this book and read it. When your done reading it, read it again and again...until you know the science COLD.

Lastly, year after year, I see so many anglers wanting to catch BIG fish.  That's okay, but truth be told, expecting to catch big fish all day long is a horrible expectation/misconception; beware of the industry BS that influences your thoughts and desires. My message to Spencer and others, find your own path and challenge yourself to engage in what I have coined E.I. Fly Fishing (emotional intelligence fly fishing).  This is a process where each angler works on creating a union between the mind and heart; not the triumph of one over the other.

Great fishing with you Spencer.

Thanks for reading and hope to see you in Patagonia.

