Over a year ago, I was invited to give my Fly Fishing and Traveling Patagonia presentation, at the Portsmouth, New Hampshire library. As usual, prior to the presentation, I had no idea whom, and how many people would show up. If I recall correctly, I had about 30 people in the audience. One of the attendee’s was Frank Clarkson. As it turns out, Frank's wife saw an advertisement in the local paper and she suggested he attend the presentation. Fast-forward twelve months after the presentation; I received a call from Frank…he wanted to meet in person and discuss, what else, but fishing Patagonia.
Fortunately for both of us, Frank only lives 15 minutes from my house. So, due to our proximity, we had the chance to meet face-to-face. We met on two or three occasions and I soon discovered that Frank was taking a 4-month sabbatical from work. Speaking of work, Frank is the pastor and the Universalist Unitarian Church, in Haverhill, MA. Prior to becoming a pastor, Frank was a successful, self-employed commercial photographer. I also discovered that his daughter recently graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy; however, she was not a member of our fly fishing club (I am the club advisor; and Frank's daughter graduated #1 in her class = too busy for fishing). Well, upon our last meeting, I was delighted to learn that Frank's fishing plans changed from one week, to three weeks. I asked him why. He explained, "after listening to your presentation at the library, then doing my own research, and finally meeting with you; I do believe you are right...to even begin to 'feel' Patagonia, an angler needs a minimum of two weeks...so, I have four months off, why not add another week.” I like how Frank thinks. With all this in mind, I began to plan a three week Argentina and Chile travel and fly fishing adventure program.
Three weeks! How does one plan for a three week Patagonia fly fishing and traveling adventure? Lucky for me, in the year 1999, and for twelve months, I hiked and fished from Tierra del Fuego to Columbia. My point? From JunÃn de los Andes to Futaleufu/La Junta Chile, and all points/waters in between, I know this area like the back of my hand. So, if you ever want to experience the real Patagonia, which means combining Argentina and Chile, please feel free to talk to me about our adventure travel programs. Better yet, see Frank’s pictures, testimonial and even feel free to contact him. http://firstcastflyfishing.blogspot.com.ar/p/raves.html
Week #3: Adventure Travel, Junin de los Andes to Futaleufu Chile.
Once in a while, it's good to get out of town...it's also good to get out of the country. Frank 'Francisco' Clarkson and I did just that, as we traveled the famous Ruta 40, from Argentina, into Futaleufu, Chile.
Our adventure travel program is surprisingly simple. As stated before, due to travel distances, we focus on the entire experience; not hard core fishing 24/7. The entire experience is hard to describe because each day something uniquely unusual happens...something that would never happen in your world, back home. Truth be told, the adventure travel program can be hard for people to adjust; living each day, moment to moment. I can see people struggling with their emotions. The expressions on their face say, "is it safe... can I trust Mark...will the food kill me...he's 2 minutes late...what time do go...what time do we stop...what time do we eat." Life is more fluid in Patagonia, and certainly less worrisome. Ultimately, I am fortunate to witness people adjusting-softening their emotive energy (it's pretty cool to watch).
In the end, our adventure travel program will challenge your fishing skills, but more importantly, your greatest challenge will be to relax and simple 'BE.' If so, you will allow inner-self to flow, and return home with a treasure of memories and great experiences. But, most importantly, regardless of the fishing, the Patagonia lifestyle-culture-land will leave a permanent mark on your soul. This a good thing, and this is what we believe every human wants out of their travel-life experience.
Enjoy the photos and feel free to contact me to discuss details.
If you have not traveled Ruta 40, you have not traveled Patagonia |
Heading south, between Junin and Bariloche, you'll travel along the Collon Cura and scenic Rio Limay valley |
Stopping in Bariloche offers beautiful vistas, amazing gelato-chocolates and more |
Next Stop, the hippie, artsy town called El Bolson. During the summer, the outdoor market is held on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday = you don't want to miss this! |
El Boslon outdoor market is truly unique = foods, craft beer, gifts and entertainment |
We like to stay the night in El Bolson because there is always something going (food, music, etc) and there are some great restaurants. We ordered the special and a bottle of red = excellent food and see price below |
$305 Pesos or $26.52 USD. Francisco could not believe it |
If your stay is short, and you don't have time to visit Chile, staying in this national park is the next best thing. |
Camping in Los Alerces, only minutes from Rio Rividavia. The lake is 50 feet from your tent. Hot showers, toilets, running water = basic and beautiful |
A short walk from your tent = Rio Rividavia Rainbow. |
The spring creek, near Rio Rividavia. This place is unbelievable = filled with bow's, brown's, and brookies. |
Bring your 'A' game for the spring creek= your emotional fly fishing intelligence will severely challenged |
Welcome to Chile...another Patagonia world awaits |
Argentina is on the other side of these peaks. It's amazing how quickly the terrain changes |
DIY walk-wade the Rio Futaleufu. The 'Futa' hols king salmon, bow's, and brown's |
DIY walk-wade Rio Espolon; located in Futaleufu, Chile |
Chunky Futaleufu Rainbow Trout |
Moments before leaving Futa = flat tire. The spare tire security key did not work = time for plan B, CUT IT! |
Camp food = nothing fancy; just steaks, chicken, tomato-avacado salad, and Malbec. Oh, don't forget Patagonia stars, milkway, and southern cross |
Time to head back to Junin de los Andes |
+12,000 feet, Volcan Lanin and Lago Huechulafquen |
Junin de los Andes = Upon our return, I taught Francisco how to make an Asado/Parilla. |
Francisco's last meal in Junin de los Andes |
Final Word
Visiting, both Argentina and Chile, on FCFF'sd Adventure Travel program is guaranteed to be 100% real Patagonia. We invite you to come join us for a ride.
We believe your time spent in Patagonia should be 100% dedicated to meeting your personal fishing needs. In other words, we'll put you in the best fishing spots that meet your style of fishing; and, we'll put you in the best lodging that meets your budget. So, if you are looking to create your own DIY walk-wade and float trips, or the combination of both, or travel to Chile, please feel free to contact us. Lastly, please feel free to read testimonials from previous clients at
Many Thanks...Gone Fishing,
PS. Our business is 100% organic, and by referral (we focus on fishing). If you like us, please feel free to share and post comments. FYI, you can find us on Facebook.