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River Facts
Location: New Hampshire and Maine. Google Maps: http://goo.gl/maps/ZpamZ
Fishing Season: April to October. Please visit http://www.wildlife.state.nh.us/
Licensed Required: Yes, general fishing only.
Floating: No. Walk-Wade. Wet-Wading in summer.
Entrance Fee: No.
Camping: Yes; Wild River, Cold River/AMC, Hastings Campground
Length: 17.2 Miles
Origin: No Ketchum Pond, Bean's Purchase.
Termination: Androscoggin River, Gilead Maine.
Termination: Androscoggin River, Gilead Maine.
Fly Rods: 1wt-4wt.
Fly Lines: Floating.
Flies: Fish are not picky, but we only share this information with our FCFF clients.
Wild River Brook Trout |
I have fished enough rivers in New Hampshire to know that the Wild River is one of the 'best of the best', in small river/stream classification (and experience). After a statement like that, I am bound to have at least 50% of my readers agree, and the other 50%, disagree. So, please allow me to qualify my statement with the following criteria:
- Fish: You use light tackle and target wild brook trout (Salvelinu Fontinalis) and small, but aggressive rainbows.
- Location: You want a short drive from North Conway NH, Gorham NH, and Bethel Maine. You don't want to walk/hike for hours/days. You want to drive, park and fish within a short distance of your car.
- Experience: You want to get away from the crowds and catch wild brook trout.
- Size: You want to fish a river that lends itself to short cast and delicate presentations.
- Structure: You want a river loaded with rocks, boulders, and small picturesque pools.
- Scenery: You want New England hardwoods, mountains, wild animals.
Wild River Rainbow |
The Wild River Wilderness area has a rich history, both for the state's of New Hampshire and Maine. As you can imagine tree's, railroads, and hunting-fishing have played major roles in the history of this area. Rather than butcher the facts, it's best for me to recommend books that I have read.
- Nature and Renewal. http://www.amazon.com/Nature-Renewal-River-Valley-Beyond/dp/0884483258
- The Wild River Wilderness: A Saga of Northern New England. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=The+Wild+River+Wilderness%3A+A+Saga+of+Northern+New+England
Note: I personally believe that all fisherman should read a few books about the logging history of New England. To do so, makes you realize how the woods-water-fish are connected. Reading a few books would also make you understand and appreciate how special this part of the world once was, and hopefully will continue to be. Other good New England tree/logging books are Spiked Boots and Tall Tree's-Tough Men. Both books briefly mention trout fishing in New England.
How to Fish the Wild River
If you need lessons or guiding, please read information under the New England Wild Fish, NH Fly Fishing School or Lessons-Guiding tabs.
If you need lessons or guiding, please read information under the New England Wild Fish, NH Fly Fishing School or Lessons-Guiding tabs.
Final Word:
Enjoy! The Wild River Wilderness area is a very special place...filled with beautiful wild brook trout.
We hope you enjoyed reading this post. If you have questions or comments, please feel free to do so. Many thanks and hope to see you next season in Patagonia.
Gone Fishing,
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