Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Fort Collins Beginner Fly Fishing Lessons: Must Know Knots

Today's Blog Post

Fly Fishing Knots

Tip #1: Get old fly line, about 24", and practice while flying in planes, driving, watching TV, etc.  Do not tighten fly line. 

Tip #2: Buy cheapest monofilament line and repeat step #1 and tighten knots. Find a substitute for the hook, such as a large snap swivel (anything without a sharp pointed hook).   

Tip #3: Always cinch knots in linear north-south or east-west direction. I.E. don't pull one way with left hand and the other way with right hand.  Helps seat knots properly.  

The following are MUST know for fly fishing
  • Arbor: Backing line to spool
  • Albright: Backing line to fly line
  • Nail Knot: Fly line to monofilament
  • Perfection Loop: Monofilament to leader
  • Double Surgeon Loop: Monofilament to monofilament
  • Double Surgeons: Leader to tippet
  • Improved Clinch: Tippet to hook
Perfection Loop
Surgeons Loop
Double Surgeons
Improved Clinch

Saltwater Knots

A saltwater set-up (backing, fly line, leader) is identical to the set-up posted above. However, as you begin to use larger diameter monofilament fishing line, and as you tie your monofilament leader to a hook, the clinch knot, may not seat and bite properly.  Therefore, the use of the clinch knot is not recommended when fly fishing in saltwater.  When attaching a fly to a leader, the preferred saltwater knots generally are loop knots.  Why?  One, they are easier to tie and hold excellent break strength.  Two, loop knots are the preferred knot when fishing flies that mimic small and large bait fish.  In other words, when the fly is in the water, the open loop allows the fly to have more natural action.  Just be sure to keep your loop size to a minimum.  By doing so, you won't spook wary fish.  

Non-Slip Mono Loop