We are now booking for 2013-2014 Argentina fly fishing season. Come join us and experience the real Patagonia!
To learn more about our fly fishing packages, please visit the 'Patagonia' tab, on the main header.
Argentina Fishing Season: November 1st to May 31st. |
Why Visit and Fly Fish Argentina?
Atop Cerro Catedral in Bariloche. Photo by FCFF. |
Argentina is the 8th largest country in the world and covers over 1 million square miles. Despite its size, Argentina is only inhabited by 40 million people. Half of the population lives within ten of the largest metropolitan areas. The other half of the population is spread throughout rural areas and in some parts of the country, population density is among the lowest in the world. This affords visitors the opportunity to entertain in modern citys' such as Buenos Aires, yet escape to...
- Oceans of open land in Patagonia...equivalent to the America West +100 years ago
- Explore the longest mountain range in the world, the Andes at 4,400 miles.
- Visit the highest mountain in the western hemisphere, Aconcagua 22,841ft
- Stand on wind swept beaches and view Sea Lions, Penguins and Orcas.
- Drive to the end of the earth and visit the land of fire, Tierra del Fuego.
- Tour Antarctica, it's only a few hundred miles from Tierra del Fuego.
- Watch monkeys and other exotic species while fishing in subtropical forest.
- Feel the power and the spray of the longest waterfall in the word, Iguazu Falls.
- Witness one of the few advancing glaciers in the world, Peritio Mereno.
- Savor Argentinas famous cuisine (beef) and Malbec wines.
- And of course, wet a line in the immense network of lakes and rivers filled with wild Salmon, Steelhead, Sea Run Brown Trout, Brown-Rainbow-Brook Trout and South America's very own apex predator, the Golden Dorado.
FCFF Home H2O: Northern Patagonia
Bamboo Thickets in Valdivian Rainforest. Photo by FCFF. |
Northern Patagonia (Neuquen Province): In the 1960’s, fly fishing gods such as Joe Brooks and Mel Krieger made the rivers surrounding Junin de los Andes famous. What they discovered back then was a trout fishery unlike any place on Earth. They discovered many of the rivers in the area are attached to large trout producing Andean lakes. As a result, during the spring and fall runs, they targeted monster rainbows and browns moving in and out of the lakes. When the runs slowed down in mid-summer, they discovered an amazing dry-fly fishery second to none. Today, dry fly fishermen have pioneered the use of large attractor dry flies, such as the gypsy king, chernobyl ants, large hopper patterns, and big beetles. Folks, Junin de los Andes is the fly fishing capital of Argentina. Though vacation towns such as Bariloche and San Martin de los Andes offer more for the average tourist, there is no other place other than Junin that offers more accessible rivers/lakes and modern conveniences for the fly fisherman. Below is a list of rivers and lakes that we fish in the surrounding Junin de los Andes area.
Chimehuin River – is a large freestone river (similar to the Madison River) and offers the trophy hunter a chance to wet the fly in the world famous 'Boca.' In addition, it’s the picture perfect fishery for float and sight fishing while prospecting with streamers, nymphs, and large attractor dry flies. The river fishes best from early December to to then end of February. March tends to be a transition month. In April and May, when the rains and cold weather come, the 'Boca' can produce large migratory brown's. |
Collon Cura River – is known as the most prolific trout fishery in all of Patagonia! The trout are wickedly wild and average in the chunky 14” to 20” range and fall browns can come close to 30”. As you float this large river, the willows and high sandstone cliffs will remind you of Wyoming’s Snake River. During low water levels, its mild gradient and broad gravel riffles make for easy wading. Minnows are an important food source in this river, so you’ll find streamers are effective throughout the season (particularly in January, April and May). Like other local rivers, dry fly fishing with large attractors will produce action throughout the day. |
Alumine River – is a slower river for the dry fly purest who loves to match hatches for large sipping trout. The river is often compared to Montana’s Missouri River and anglers often take rainbows between 16" and >20". The river fishes best during peak summer months when the caddis and mayfly hatches occur. During the months of April and May, the brown trout fishing ranks with the Collon Cura and other rivers. |
Malleo River – like the Alumine, this river is a spectacular fishery for the dry fly enthusiast. Known for its spectacular caddis and mayfly hatches, anglers will delight with wild, hard fighting fish. This is a wade only fishery and for those who like to walk-wade for trophy wild fish, this is your river. |
Caleufu River – Due to the proximity to the Piedra del Aguila reservoir, this river fishes extremely well early and late in the season. In fact, late in the season there is what locals call the minnow hatch. If the minnow hatch is on, and if you have a small minnow like pattern, fishing for large rainbows and browns can be amazing! Warning, your minnow fly and presentation must be exact or these fish will not take it. Overall, this river is a medium-size tributary of the Collon Cura and can be floated till the end of January, beginning or February. |
Tromen, Huechulafquen, Epulafquen, Verde, and Curruhe Lakes – a trip to Patagonia would not be complete without fishing one of these magnificent trophy trout filled lakes! The combination of crystal clear waters, breath taking views and water filled with rainbows, browns, brookies and land locked salmon makes for an unforgettable day. You’ll be stripping streamers, tossing dries and sight fishing with a chance to land all four species in one day! |
Final Word
We hope you enjoyed reading this post. If you have questions or comments, please feel free to do so. Many thanks and hope to see you next season in Patagonia.
Gone Fishing,
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PS. To read more about Patagonia, simply use the First Cast Search Engine. For Example: type in Malleo River or scroll archived post.