At the tail end of spring (mid-December), guides and clients will start to use a large dry and nymph dropper combinations. The majority of strikes are on the nymph, but we get a fair amount of strikes on the dries to make even the dry fly enthusiasts happy. Just an FYI…the dropper nymphs of choice are the prince and copper john with rubber legs. But, come January, February and March, for many of our guides, it’s straight-up dries with no droppers (some guides even put away their streamers for the season). But, if I could make one recommendation, come prepared to battle your wits against wild Patagonian trout! So, bring a variety of streamers, nymphs, dries, etc.
Muchas Gracias y Feliz Fiestas (Thank You and Happy Holidays)
Mark Foley
PS. In the below photos you will see a variety/variations of PMX, Gypsy King, Stimulators, Hopper’s, Chernobyl’s, Tarantula’s, etc. Also, I have added a few photos of preferred dropper nymphs (think...rubber legs)